
Kilometry Dobra is about ordinary people, helping them make life changes for good
Here are some stories about the results of our World Championships in Good – the real benefit can only be measured by your heart:

Participation in the campaign KILOMETRY DOBRA, organised by the Polish Institute of Philanthropy, enabled us to collect money for the purchase of specially adapted bikes for RaceRunning. This sport enables people with disabilities, not known so far in Poland. The participant uses a three-wheeled bike without pedals, with a special chest suport and even allows those with severe disabilities to join in..

In Kilometers, we managed to collect as much as 136 thousand zlotys! This allowed us to not only buy the specially adapter bikes from Denmark but also covered the costs of the July visit of the Foundation's representation (and Poland at the same time!) At CPISRA WORD CHAMPIONSHIPS - International RaceRunning Competition in Copenhagen, from which our disabled brought a silver medal. KILOMETERS Dobra, however, provided with an unexpected benefit - no one expected such a great collective involvement of the local community. Not only local schools and kindergartens were involved in the campaign, but also companies, municipal and city councils. We acquired as many as 42 action ambassadors supporting our project.

The final of the action was an amazing event - the 24-hour run of Marek Szwedy, a crazy tournament of generations, in which representatives of municipalities took part, as well as putting together zlotys.

KILOMETRY Dobra, but our adventure with RACERUNNING continues. Thanks to the 10 bikes purchased, we could start the RACERUNNING program with a NEW SPORT AND REHABILITATION METHOD, co-financed by the Greater Poland Voivodeship. His goal was to conduct rehabilitation through RaceRunning. 48 people with disabilities from two poviats, Złotowski and Pilski, used the RaceRunning two-hour sports and rehabilitation training once a week.

In order to optimize the effects, we also organised 12 therapeutic sessions. At the end of the project, we organised a RACERUNNING TOUR for all participants in the task. We have created two sections RaceRunning, in Złotowo and in Piła. Once a week, from March to October 2017, our runners were trained on a treadmill or in a sports hall. Thanks to this, from this year's July International RaceRunning Championships in Copenhagen, our pupils have already brought 3 medals: 2 gold and 1 silver - again we were the only representatives of Poland there.
RaceRunning was recognized a couple of days ago as a Paralympic discipline and in 2024 will appear at the Olympic Games of Disabled People. We are doing everything to help our Złotów team mebers to be among the Polish national team.
All of this started with KILOMETRACH DOBRA.
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Polish Association for People with Intellectual Disability Koło in Zamość

Purchase of a specially adapted min-bus for people with disabilities.

Purchase of a specially adapted min-bus for people with disabilities.
Thanks to participation in the KILOMETRY DOBRA campaign, we bought a large, 18-person mini-bus adapted for the disabled. This acquisition will enable safe and comfortable transport of charges of our Association, namely children and adults with learning disabilities to their educational and rehabilitation centers. Children and young people are educated at the Rehabilitation and Education and Education Center, while adults attend the Occupational Therapy Workshop and Revalidation and Rehabilitation Center.
The whole Zamość is involved: schools, institutions, parishes and anonymous donors. This resulted in the third place on the podium of the World Championships in Good, which are called the noble rivalry of the organization during the Kilometers of Good campaign. The final of the action took place on June 4, of course at the Zamość Great Market Square. Beata Ścibakówna, the main ambassador of the Association, an actress born in Zamość, did not hide emotions. - Here you feel positive energy - she said. - Beating successive records is admirable.
In the Kilometry Dobra campaign, we collected PLN 65 thousand, and we bought the transport car in June, since then 154 children and adults who are supported by our Association enjoy it.

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Step by step, HSA - Piła

Implementation of a rehabilitation project through diving - "The road to freedom"



Participation in the Kilometry Dobra campaign gave us a lot of work, enthusiasm, positive energy and above all it made us able to collect the necessary financial resources for the implementation of rehabilitation by diving people with various disabilities. After three months of the campaign, the sum of all payments and the issue was over 126 thousand zlotys, or nearly 3 kilometers of zlotys, which makes us the Vice-Masters in Good in 2017! Thanks to this amount, we can now implement the "Road to Freedom" project, which includes: medical research, psychological care, rehabilitation programs, diving training, swimming and open water activities (including Płotki lake), classes for carers of people with disabilities , social rehabilitation programs, providing year-round diving conditions adapted to the needs of people with disabilities in a unique way on a European scale (floating platform).
Thanks to rehabilitation by diving, people with disabilities can discover the previously unknown movement possibilities of their own body, believe in their own strength and find a new way to fight the limitations that have met them. Diving gives them the kind of freedom they can not find on land. The water not only supports and lifts, but at the right temperature, it reduces muscle tension, which facilitates more efficient movements than on land.
Thanks to the money collected during the Kilometers campaign, our pupils can experience more joy and realise themselves in a unique and extremely necessary way - diving.
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Caritas of the Lomza Diocese - Łomża

Renovation of summer houses in the "CARITAS BLIŹNIM" resort

for the needs of upbringing and social therapy for children and adolescents.


Trzy miesiące trwania kampanii były bardzo pracowite, ale opłaciło się! Dzięki Kilometrom Dobra zebraliśmy potrzebne środki na remont domków letniskowych w ośrodku "CARITAS BLIŹNIM", w którym co roku wypoczywa ponad 3000 dzieci i młodzieży. Dzieciństwo
i dorastanie to czas niezwykle ważny w życiu człowieka, wtedy klaruje się jego postawa
i wrażliwość. Dlatego wypoczynek dzieci w naszej placówce łączymy z nauką zdrowego stylu życia, wzrostem samoakceptacji i samorealizacji, rozwijaniem zdolności i zainteresowań, aktywizowaniem do pracy zespołowej oraz zachęcaniem do podejmowania dobrych wyborów życiowych. Wszystko po to, aby młody człowiek odnalazł swoje „JA” w dzisiejszym świecie. Dzięki Kilometrom Dobra stare, drewniane domki letniskowe z lat 80-tych przeszły kapitalny remont, a nowe pokolenie chętnie spędza u nas rozwojowe wakacje. To był już nasz drugi udział w kampanii Kilometry Dobra. Tym razem zebraliśmy ponad 32 tysiące złotych.
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Caritas Archidiecezji Białostockiej - Białystok

Remont Katolickiego Ośrodka Wychowania i Terapii Uzależnień "Metanoia"


The three months of the campaign were very busy, but it paid off! Thanks to Kilometry Dobra, we have collected the necessary funds for the renovation of summer houses in the "CARITAS BLIŹNIM" resort, where over 3000 children and young people are resting every year. Childhood
and growing up is a very important time in human life, then his attitude is clarified
and sensitivity. That is why children's relaxation in our facility is combined with learning a healthy lifestyle, increasing self-acceptance and self-fulfillment, developing skills and interests, activating teamwork and encouraging people to make good life choices. All this so that the young man will find his "I" in today's world. Thanks to Kilometers Dobra, old, wooden summer cottages from the 80's have undergone a major renovation, and the new generation is eager to spend a holiday with us. This was our second participation in the Kilometers of Good campaign. This time, we have collected over PLN 32 thousand.

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Fundation Future of children- Olsztyn

Treatment, rehabilitation and purchase of medical equipment for sick children from Warmia and Mazury


Kilometry Dobra resulted not only in the amount of almost PLN 60,000 in our Foundation
for the treatment, rehabilitation and purchase of medical equipment for sick children, but also a huge commitment to the action of schools, kindergartens, companies and famous people. Thanks to the campaign, a smile appeared on the faces of all thsoe who particpated, the helpers as well as those who benefited.

The money amount collected in the campaign gives us the opportunity to help children in need, and from the year for the year of submissions to the Foundation Future for Children arrives. Every month we have a dozen new requests from parents of sick children. We finance commuting to hospitals, rehabilitation stays, insulin pumps, hearing aids, and non-standard treatment for example, cancers that the NFZ does not cover. Outside help is often the only chance to save lives. Our dream is that every needy child could have their own equipment, needs a smile on their faces, it is the greatest thanks to us. Due to the amount collected during the campaign, 12-year-old Małgosia already has an insulin pump and finally she can safely leave for a summer camp. 13-year-old Piotr can play football with his friends thanks to the purchased pump. 17-year-old Asia heard for the first time the meowing of a cat, and 11-year-old Dorotka finally meets in the yard with her friends because she already has her pram. These are just a few examples.
Involvement of the local community, integration and joy of helping is the other side of the results of the participation of the Future for Children Foundation in the Kilometers of Good campaign. As in the previous year, schools, kindergartens, workplaces, state and local government institutions, groups of friends and families joined the campaign. Numerous fairs were organized,
on which the children and their parents baked all kinds of cookies, and even a walking rally in which preschoolers took part. Singing children encouraged to walk together, during which you could throw something from the heart. Green Taxi taxis carried a can of Good Kilometers so that every passenger could help the children of the Future for Children Foundation. NEONET also gave us the support, which involved all of its sales rooms in the Warmian-Masurian Province in a fundraiser.
Thanks to our participation in Kilometers of Good, many needy children received specific help and the entire community of our region was involved in a philanthropic project, teaching the young generation the spirit of empathy, which is an invaluable asset well foretelling for the future.

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Sanctuary of Saint. James the Apostle - Więcławice Stare

Scholarships for gifted children and teenagers from the Michałowice commune


As part of the Kilometry Dobra 2017 Campaign the Scholarship Fund of Saint Jacob collected PLN 24 thousand, thanks to which it can support the development of talented young people (from the IV SP class to the second high school class) from the Michałowice commune. Our organization began its activity at the beginning of 2016 after a few months to be in the top ten of the World Championships in Good. In the first year, 7 winners were honored. Each of them received PLN 150 each 10 months. It is worth mentioning that among them there were such people as: vice-champion of Poland in the category of up to 11 years or outstanding students of Krakow music schools. Everyone is happy to receive the scholarship. They mention that it was not only a material factor for them, but in addition, or perhaps above all, a psychological factor motivating even greater involvement in their passion. In the current school year, among others thanks to the sum collected during Kilometers of Good, we can support six scholarship holders with the amount of PLN 1750. These talented people are: Amelia Kmita, a young cellist, Jan Mlynek, who skillfully wields a sword (I do not advise him to challenge him), Kamila Morawska, the future queen of the stage, who can boast of a unique voice, valiant Klaudia Kusia practicing a rare sport - wushu, Szymon Wiszniewski chess player with a strategic mind, Piotr Nowak specializing in rhythm and percussion.
It might seem that scholarship holders and their parents, apart from completing the application and collecting the prize, have nothing to do with the FS. From the very beginning, the winners promote the organization by presenting their talents during public performances, while their families willingly support FS by devoting their time and commitment to the organization of planned events, including the finals of Miles Kilometers.

It is worth mentioning that FS not only supports talented young people but also shapes prosocial attitudes in a large proportion of youth in Więcławice. This is done by volunteering, which brings together about 40 people in the middle school age. Their commitment to noble goals and the zeal with which they approach helping others is the best counterargument to the thesis, that today's youth do not get involved in anything.
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Fundacja Patria - Imiołki

Budowa infrastruktury Integracyjnego Ośrodka Jeździeckiego


This year, for the first time, we participated in the Kilometry Dobra campaign and it was a very good experience for us. Thanks to the action, we collected 21,5 thousand zlotys, which we earmarked for the construction of the infrastructure of the Integration Equestrian Center - finishing the outdoor quadrangle for driving, with an area of 4 x 60 m, and supplying gas and making heating in the social and storage rooms of the stable. It is here that at Lednica Lake, in the village of Imiołki, our Foundation runs hippotherapy, organizes educational and rehabilitation camps for foster families, counteracts stigmatization and exclusion. Thanks to the expansion of the Integration Equestrian Center, we can still motivate children and young people to active, responsible life and create conditions for exchanging experiences, learning and playing together, looking for their passions.
An additional advantage of our participation in the Kilometers of Good campaign was the opportunity to feel good energy from our strongly committed volunteers who helped us in rebounding. We are remarkably pleased to remember two big events related to the campaign: start and finish. The start took place in March and was connected with the event realized yearly by the Foundation: "Poland Sensitive", which was attended by workshops, performances by youth groups and cabarets as well as a theatrical performance about Mieszko and Dobrawa. And all under the slogans promoting the ideas of philanthropy. The ending took place in June at the Patria Foundation in Imiołki. Volunteers arrived, with whom we arranged on prepared meters, collected zlotys, the drone was looking at us from above. Beautiful pictures were created. It was a beautiful day.
We are preparing for the next edition to further develop our center so that more and more children can use hippotherapy, which is a great remedy for both the body and the spirit.

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Jarosławskie Kilometers Dobra - Jarosław

Purchase of equipment for prevention of civilization diseases among children and adolescents


Campaign Kilometry Dobra 2017 in Jarosław was run by three associations: Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Dzieci Poviat Branch in Jarosław, Association for Integration and Education "Together Easier" at Primary School No. 11 with Integration Branches in Jarosław, Association of Sympathizers of the Complex of Schools of Food, Chemical and General Education in Jarosław, which established the Social Committee under the name "Jarosławskie Kilometers of Dobra". The financial effect of the campaign is PLN 45 thousand, a little over "Kilometer of the Good" which allowed us to be ranked 5th in the Goodness 2017 Championships. According to the partnership agreement, each association received PLN 15,000 for the main purpose of the Campaign at its headquarters.
Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Dzieci Poviat Branch in Jarosław organized "Healthy summer and sport "in the form of a half-circle and a colony with a sports program. Sports equipment was purchased - as a retrofitting of the community center (balls, nets, rackets, table football, animation set for movement activities for the youngest participants, Twisster) used by 30 children. Children are offered swimming pool. Co-financed by the Campaign funds for staying on colonies for 5 children.
Association for Integration and Education "Razem Łatwiej" at Szkoła Podstawowa nr 11 with Integration Branches in Jarosław bought rehabilitation equipment (2 orbitreki bikes cross trainers?, a treadmill, life-saving bags for athletes and first-aid kits for classes, diagnostic weight to conduct comprehensive weight and body composition measurements in order to prevent diabetes and obesity among children and adolescents and a device to measure blood pressure The Association operates in a school where over 500 children are taught, including 40 disabled children attending integration wards.
Association of Sympathizers from the Complex of Schools of Chemical and General Food Compounds in Jarosław he is currently organizing and equipping a specialist rehabilitation and recreation room. The room will be used to conduct recreational and rehabilitation activities and preventive for students, their parents and for environmental activities.
Kilometry Dobra is not only a result, but also an amazing experience of several-month, tripartite cooperation. Mutual support and working in a group for one good purpose gave us a lot of energy that infected other people. In search of allies and donors, we organized together environmental events promoting physical activity and healthy eating. From the very beginning, the campaign was under the patronage of the City and Poviat Authorities and local media that promoted the campaign on their websites, and on the occasion of events and events, many youth volunteers could prove themselves in action. Our main Ambassador, Mr. Bogdan Zając, encouraged sponsors and helped us organize free trials for 80 young children from the area of the city and the poviat of Jarosław for cancer prevention, financially and organizationally supported by Starost Jarosławski, Mr. Tadeusz Chrzan, and the campaign "I love so I study" was carried out by the "Słoneczna Przyszłość" Foundation from Busko Zdrój. Thanks to Kilometers of Good we are able to unite for a good purpose, our associations continue the cooperation started during the Campaign.
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